View a collection of poster presentations that showcase our research findings.
Enhancing advance care planning practice using a Knowledge Translation (KT) approach [PDF, 330 KB]
Developing a Delphi consensus on the domains and conduct of brief geriatric assessments for case-finding in Singapore [PDF, 146 KB]
Exploring the motivating factors for fitness instructors to deliver the Live Well Age Well programme in Singapore: A mixed-method study [PDF, 343 KB]
Assessing the implementability of a physician pharmacist collaborative intervention to facilitate appropriate prescribing for older adults in outpatient clinics in Singapore [PDF, 383 KB]
Older adults' trust in medical community and other information sources during COVID-19 pandemic's vaccination phase: Findings from a mixed methods study [PDF, 440 KB]
Impact of a pharmacist-led medication review on prescribing and patients' experience: Findings from a feasibility study [PDF, 242 KB]
Navigating morally challenging scenarios in advance care planning: A survey study [PDF, 345 KB]
Measuring the multidimensional aspects of clinical empathy: development and validation of a scale [PDF, 482 KB]
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