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Research Brief - Evaluating a Multi-Disciplinary Frailty Care Model

GERI Research Briefs

[NEW] ​​GERI 2024-12-01​​Evaluating the implementation process and health and cost outcomes of a multi-disciplinary care model for identifying and managing frailty among older adults inthe community: A study protocol

GERI 2024-09-01​​Use of communication technology, such as phone calls and text messages, supports well-being of older adults living alone
​​GERI 2024-06-01​: Translating evidence into practice: A multi-approach methodology for developing a complex intervention to facilitate appropriate prescribing

For more Research Briefs, click here.​​​​​
Advance Care Planning (ACP) Quality: A Learning Journey of Continuous Improvement

Advance Care Planning (ACP) Quality: A Learning Journey of Continuous Improvement​​​​​​​​

​ACP is an important part of caring for older people, including those who have a significant decline in their intrinsic capacity. However, practicing quality ACP is challenging and multiple barriers have been identified at different stages of the ACP process. GERI's most recent webinar featured a series of insightful presentations from experts who shared their experiences and potential strategies for overcoming these challenges.​​​
GERI at the Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress (SHBC) 2024 

GERI at the Singapore Health and Biomedical Congress (SHBC) 2024​

GERI researchers contributed their research findings through a series of engaging poster presentations at the 22nd SHBC 2024 at the Singapore Expo on 10 and 11 October. In this two-part feature series, we gather highlights from GERI's presentations, which cover a range of topics, including advance care planning, brief geriatric assessment, appropriate prescribing, and community-based interventions for older adults.​


Health policy research at GERI - Image by iStock

Tackling policy challenges for population health impact

Recognising that sound policies are implementable ones, a dedicated team of GERI researchers set about to address health policy challenges affecting our older population. We lift the veil on how our Health Policy Group goes beyond traditional research to help policymakers understand what could work, what might not and why when it comes to healthy ageing in Singapore’s context.​​

Read more

GERI Annual Report 2023/24​ 

Annual Report 2023/24​

Read GERI’s latest ​report capturing our strides in producing policy and practice-oriented research that is relevant – to the older population, health system and decision-makers – and impact-driven.​

To find out more, click here to download.